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Src 7 Asset Metadata

Icon LinkSRC-7: Arbitrary Native Asset Metadata

The following standard attempts to define the retrieval of on-chain arbitrary metadata for any Native Asset Icon Link. Any contract that implements the SRC-7 standard MUST implement the SRC-20 standard.

Icon LinkMotivation

The SRC-7 standard seeks to enable data-rich assets on the Fuel Network while maintaining compatibility between multiple assets minted by the same contract. The standard ensures type safety with the use of an enum and an Option. All metadata queries are done through a single function to facilitate cross-contract calls.

Icon LinkPrior Art

The use of generic metadata was originally found in the Sway-Lib's NFT Library Icon Link which did not use Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link. This library has since been deprecated.

A previous definition for a metadata standard was written in the original edit of the now defunct SRC-721 Icon Link. This has since been replaced with the SRC-20 standard as SubId was introduced to enable multiple assets to be minted from a single contract.

The standard takes inspiration from ENS's public resolver Icon Link with the use of a String as the key. This should enable human-readable keys to help minimize errors and enable the standardization of certain keys, such as "image" as opposed to an enum or u64 representation of keys.

We also take a look at existing common metadata practices such as OpenSea's Metadata Standards Icon Link and seek to stay backwards compatible with them while enabling more functionality. Through the combination of String keys and various return types, both pre-defined URIs or specific attributes may be stored and retrieved with the SRC-7 standard.

Icon LinkSpecification

Icon LinkMetadata Type

The following describes an enum that wraps various metadata types into a single return type. There SHALL be the following variants in the Metadata enum:

Icon LinkB256

The B256 variant SHALL be used when the stored metadata for the corresponding AssetId and Sting key pair is of the b256 type.

Icon LinkBytes

The Bytes variant SHALL be used when the stored metadata for the corresponding AssetId and String key pair is of the Bytes type. The Bytes variant should be used when storing custom data such as but not limited to structs and enums.

Icon LinkInt

The Int variant SHALL be used when the stored metadata for the corresponding AssetId and Sting key pair is of the u64 type.

Icon LinkString

The String variant SHALL be used when the stored metadata for the corresponding AssetId and String key pair is of the String type. The String variant MUST be used when a URI is required but MAY contain any arbitrary String data.

Icon LinkRequired Functions

Icon Linkfn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata>

This function MUST return valid metadata for the corresponding asset and key, where the data is either a B256, Bytes, Int, or String variant. If the asset does not exist or no metadata exists, the function MUST return None.

Icon LinkLogging

The following logs MUST be implemented and emitted to follow the SRC-7 standard.

  • IF a value is updated via a function call, a log MUST be emitted.
  • IF a value is embedded in a contract as a constant, configurable, or other manner, an event MUST be emitted at least once.

Icon LinkSetMetadataEvent

The SetMetadataEvent MUST be emitted when the metadata of an asset has updated.

There SHALL be the following fields in the SetMetadataEvent struct:

  • asset: The asset field SHALL be used for the corresponding AssetId of the asset has been updated.
  • metadata: The metadata field SHALL be used for the corresponding Option<Metadata> which represents the metadata of the asset.
  • key: The key field SHALL be used for the corresponding String which represents the key used for storing the metadata.
  • sender: The sender field SHALL be used for the corresponding Identity which made the function call that has updated the metadata of the asset.


pub struct SetMetadataEvent {
    pub asset: AssetId,
    pub metadata: Option<Metadata>,
    pub key: String,
    pub sender: Identity,

Icon LinkRationale

The SRC-7 standard should allow for data-rich assets to interact with one another in a safe manner.

Icon LinkBackwards Compatibility

This standard is compatible with Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link and the SRC-20 standard. It also maintains compatibility with existing standards in other ecosystems.

Icon LinkSecurity Considerations

This standard does not introduce any security concerns, as it does not call external contracts, nor does it define any mutations of the contract state.

Icon LinkExample ABI

abi SRC7Metadata {
     fn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata>;

Icon LinkExample Implementation

Icon LinkSingle Native Asset

Example of the SRC-7 implementation where metadata exists for only a single asset with one SubId.

use standards::{
use std::string::String;
configurable {
    /// The total supply of coins for the asset minted by this contract.
    TOTAL_SUPPLY: u64 = 100_000_000,
    /// The decimals of the asset minted by this contract.
    DECIMALS: u8 = 9u8,
    /// The name of the asset minted by this contract.
    NAME: str[7] = __to_str_array("MyAsset"),
    /// The symbol of the asset minted by this contract.
    SYMBOL: str[5] = __to_str_array("MYTKN"),
    /// The metadata for the "social:x" key.
    SOCIAL_X: str[12] = __to_str_array("fuel_network"),
    /// The metadata for the "site:forum" key.
    SITE_FORUM: str[27] = __to_str_array("https://forum.fuel.network/"),
    /// The metadata for the "attr:health" key.
    ATTR_HEALTH: u64 = 100,
impl SRC7 for Contract {
    /// Returns metadata for the corresponding `asset` and `key`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the metadata.
    /// * `key`: [String] - The key to the specific metadata.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<Metadata>] - `Some` metadata that corresponds to the `key` or `None`.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the AssetId provided does not match the default SubId.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src7::{SRC7, Metadata};
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC7, contract_id);
    ///     let key = String::from_ascii_str("social:x");
    ///     let data = contract_abi.metadata(asset, key);
    ///     assert(data.unwrap() == Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str("fuel_network")));
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata> {
        require(asset == AssetId::default(), "Invalid AssetId provided");
        if key == String::from_ascii_str("social:x") {
        } else if key == String::from_ascii_str("site:forum") {
        } else if key == String::from_ascii_str("attr:health") {
        } else {
abi EmitSRC7Events {
    fn emit_src7_events();
impl EmitSRC7Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src7_events() {
        let asset = AssetId::default();
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let metadata_1 = Some(Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SOCIAL_X))));
        let metadata_2 = Some(Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SITE_FORUM))));
        let metadata_3 = Some(Metadata::Int(ATTR_HEALTH));
        let key_1 = String::from_ascii_str("social:x");
        let key_2 = String::from_ascii_str("site:forum");
        let key_3 = String::from_ascii_str("attr:health");
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_1, key_1, sender)
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_2, key_2, sender)
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_3, key_3, sender)
// SRC7 extends SRC20, so this must be included
impl SRC20 for Contract {
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
    fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
        if asset == AssetId::default() {
        } else {
abi EmitSRC20Events {
    fn emit_src20_events();
impl EmitSRC20Events for Contract {
    fn emit_src20_events() {
        // Metadata that is stored as a configurable should only be emitted once.
        let asset = AssetId::default();
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let name = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME)));
        let symbol = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL)));
        SetNameEvent::new(asset, name, sender).log();
        SetSymbolEvent::new(asset, symbol, sender).log();
        SetDecimalsEvent::new(asset, DECIMALS, sender).log();
        TotalSupplyEvent::new(asset, TOTAL_SUPPLY, sender).log();

Icon LinkMulti Native Asset

Example of the SRC-7 implementation where metadata exists for multiple assets with differing SubId values.

use standards::{
use std::{hash::Hash, storage::storage_string::*, string::String};
// In this example, all assets minted from this contract have the same decimals, name, and symbol
configurable {
    /// The decimals of every asset minted by this contract.
    DECIMALS: u8 = 0u8,
    /// The name of every asset minted by this contract.
    NAME: str[7] = __to_str_array("MyAsset"),
    /// The symbol of every asset minted by this contract.
    SYMBOL: str[5] = __to_str_array("MYAST"),
    /// The metadata for the "social:x" key.
    SOCIAL_X: str[12] = __to_str_array("fuel_network"),
    /// The metadata for the "site:forum" key.
    SITE_FORUM: str[27] = __to_str_array("https://forum.fuel.network/"),
storage {
    /// The total number of distinguishable assets this contract has minted.
    total_assets: u64 = 0,
    /// The total supply of a particular asset.
    total_supply: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
    /// The metadata for the "image:svg" key.
    svg_images: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
    /// The metadata for the "attr:health" key.
    health_attributes: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
impl SRC7 for Contract {
    /// Returns metadata for the corresponding `asset` and `key`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the metadata.
    /// * `key`: [String] - The key to the specific metadata.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<Metadata>] - `Some` metadata that corresponds to the `key` or `None`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src7::{SRC7, Metadata};
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC7, contract_id);
    ///     let key = String::from_ascii_str("social:x");
    ///     let data = contract_abi.metadata(asset, key);
    ///     assert(data.unwrap() == Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str("fuel_network")));
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata> {
        // If this asset does not exist, return None
        if storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read().is_none() {
            return None
        if key == String::from_ascii_str("social:x") {
            // The "social:x" for all assets minted by this contract are the same.
        } else if key == String::from_ascii_str("site:forum") {
            // The "site:forums" for all assets minted by this contract are the same.
        } else if key == String::from_ascii_str("image:svg") {
            // The SVG image is stored as a String in storage for each asset
            let svg_image = storage.svg_images.get(asset).read_slice();
            match svg_image {
                Some(svg) => Some(Metadata::String(svg)),
                None => None,
        } else if key == String::from_ascii_str("attr:health") {
            // The health attribute is stored as a u64 in storage for each asset
            let health_attribute = storage.health_attributes.get(asset).try_read();
            match health_attribute {
                Some(health) => Some(Metadata::Int(health)),
                None => None,
        } else {
abi SetSRC7Events {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn set_src7_events(asset: AssetId, svg_image: String, health_attribute: u64);
impl SetSRC7Events for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn set_src7_events(asset: AssetId, svg_image: String, health_attribute: u64) {
        // NOTE: There are no checks for if the caller has permissions to update the metadata
        // If this asset does not exist, revert
        if storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read().is_none() {
        storage.svg_images.try_insert(asset, StorageString {});
        storage.health_attributes.insert(asset, health_attribute);
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let metadata_1 = Some(Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SOCIAL_X))));
        let metadata_2 = Some(Metadata::String(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SITE_FORUM))));
        let metadata_3 = Some(Metadata::String(svg_image));
        let metadata_4 = Some(Metadata::Int(health_attribute));
        let key_1 = String::from_ascii_str("social:x");
        let key_2 = String::from_ascii_str("site:forum");
        let key_3 = String::from_ascii_str("image:svg");
        let key_4 = String::from_ascii_str("attr:health");
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_1, key_1, sender)
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_2, key_2, sender)
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_3, key_3, sender)
        SetMetadataEvent::new(asset, metadata_4, key_4, sender)
// SRC7 extends SRC20, so this must be included
impl SRC20 for Contract {
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME))),
            None => None,
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL))),
            None => None,
    fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
        match storage.total_supply.get(asset).try_read() {
            Some(_) => Some(DECIMALS),
            None => None,
abi SetSRC20Data {
    fn set_src20_data(asset: AssetId, total_supply: u64);
impl SetSRC20Data for Contract {
    fn set_src20_data(asset: AssetId, supply: u64) {
        // NOTE: There are no checks for if the caller has permissions to update the metadata
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        let name = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(NAME)));
        let symbol = Some(String::from_ascii_str(from_str_array(SYMBOL)));
        SetNameEvent::new(asset, name, sender).log();
        SetSymbolEvent::new(asset, symbol, sender).log();
        SetDecimalsEvent::new(asset, DECIMALS, sender).log();
        TotalSupplyEvent::new(asset, supply, sender).log();